We hate to be negative, but there are just too many blogs in 2023 that we’ve read before. We know exactly what kinds of articles readers will be interested in reading on your website because we specialise in content marketing. We feel terrible when we see marketing campaigns fail because of poor conversion-focused content.

You should get your money’s worth if you’re going to put in the effort to develop content. That’s why we’re disclosing a list of content marketing faux pas that are driving away readers. We beg you to please refrain from penning the following eight blog articles any longer.

The 8 Types of Blog Posts We’re Fed Up With

77% of all internet users regularly read weblogs. This implies you have a huge window of opportunity to turn leads into customers or clients if you consistently post high-quality content. We share your desire for your content to attract readers. Learn how to create content that converts by avoiding these 8 common blog topics.

Heavy Reading

There is nothing more frustrating than opening an article in quest of a straightforward solution only to be met by a wall of text. Put your heads together again! Giving users what they want quickly is essential if you want to keep them engaged with your site. About 73% of readers only skim blog content; if visitors feel they have to work too hard to find an answer, they will go on to another topic.

Paragraphs at MIG are no more than four lines and the average reading level of our writers is eighth grade. Our readers will have a better chance of quickly and easily locating the information they seek in this manner.

The Lack of Headings and Numbered Lists

Skimmers have a hard time with dense material, and a blog post without subheadings or bullet points has the same problem. Plus, it hurts your search engine rankings. Use headings and subheadings (we recommend using H2s and H3s) to divide up your excellent information. When possible, break up lengthy descriptions of ideas into bullet points. Your material will be better accepted by search engines and visitors if it is broken down into bite-sized pieces of easily digestible information.

Dull Headings

If a headline doesn’t grab my attention right away, I’m probably not going to read it all. If no one is interested in what you have to say, it doesn’t matter how well-written your posts are. Creating attention-grabbing headlines is essential if you want your content to be read. When writing catchy headlines, we like to do things like:

  • Clarity Numbers
  • Emotive words (like “new” and “free”)
  • Words like “stop” and “never”
  • Dots and hyphens Interrogative

Don’t forget that the headlines you use must still relate to the content you’re discussing. Sacrificing relevancy for a higher click-through rate is frowned upon in the intricate realm of search engine optimisation.

A Lack of Evidence

Since anyone can publish content online, you must provide your viewers with hard evidence if they are to take what you say seriously. Using statistics in your blog posts does more than just bolster credibility; it also helps readers better grasp your issue at hand. The statement “there are more than 600 million blogs on the internet” provides more information than the statement “blogging is very popular.” However, data isn’t the only technique to win over readers and prove your point. Moreover, you can:

  • Report on specific examples
  • Report on client feedback
  • Collaborate with key opinion leaders and influencers in your field.
  • Converting leads requires establishing credibility, which is facilitated by providing evidence for assertions made.

No Photos, Graphics or Videos

Customers nowadays are more visually oriented. Images and videos serve two purposes: they entertain your readers and they break up the monotony of reading a lot of text. In the absence of them, site users are likely to become bored and leave in search of something more interesting. Use to your advantage:

  • The Video Files
  • Infographics
  • Gifs Graphs

Incorporating images into your blog post increases its shareability and potential for lead generation.

There isn’t a Direct Call to Action

This one is achingly painful. How effective is your content at converting site visitors if there is no obvious CTA? Involve your readers in the buying process by providing a relevant form for them to complete. Give something out for free, encourage people to sign up for your newsletter, offer a coupon code, etc. The alternative is even worse than that! Your readers will appreciate the personal touch, and you’ll have their contact details for future outreach. Put calls to action at the end of your blog entries so readers know what to do next.

Irrelevant Details

Not only will viewers be turned off by irrelevant content, but search engines will penalise you for it as well. Google’s newest Useful Content Update specifies the following as characteristics of high-quality content:

  • Excellent and helpful material
  • Content aimed at assisting human beings
  • Optimised for search engine’s content

Adding irrelevant details just to pad out the content is a huge no-no. Instead, focus on the needs of your audience by answering their questions and optimising your keyword research. That’s a surefire way to get the attention of your ideal customers.

No Backlinks

When it comes to search engine optimisation, a blog post with no internal links is useless. Although external links helped bring the reader to your post, internal links are what will keep them reading. Using anchor text and navigation links is a great way to keep visitors on your site and boost your SEO. You may increase interaction and enrich the user experience by strategically placing links to related blog topics and conversion possibilities.

Phew! Sharing the 2023 blog entries we’ve grown weary of reading has been a huge weight off our shoulders. Avoiding the types of errors that turn off readers will ultimately lead to more success. You’ve got this; you know what to do. It’s time to get serious about making material of sufficient quality to attract readers and prompt action. If you are looking for professional help with your content visit Engage Platform, to see how their content marketing solutions can help you.