The next step after settling on a specific demographic is developing an approach that will resonate with that group. That’s why it’s important to pick the correct combination of marketing approaches. The days of opening a shop (whether brick and mortar or online) with a good product, running some ads, and hoping for the best are over. Experts advise using as many as twelve different channels. While twelve may be excessive for your business, you can use this information to choose which marketing channels need continued attention in the year 2023.

The Importance of Keeping Multiple Marketing Fronts in Mind

With any luck, you’ve been able to create useful marketing personas. You should also be aware that there is no single marketing channel that any given person or demographic uses to consume content. More of your target audience’s fans can be won over by using a variety of channels. Our research suggests that modern, cutting-edge channel selection is just as important as a multichannel or omnichannel approach.

Finding the appropriate proportions requires learning where your best leads congregate and how best to reach them. As the preferences of your target audience change, you’ll need to adapt your marketing strategy accordingly. Our top eight are listed below.

To maintain an edge in the marketplace, the vast majority of businesses use three or more distinct forms of advertising.

Articles, Blogs, and Other Written Material

The marketing efforts you put out should revolve around the material you provide on your website. You won’t find a more cost-effective strategy for establishing trustworthiness and attracting new customers. Your ideal customers can be nurtured through the buying cycle with the use of informative and educational content. The catch with content marketing is that it takes time to generate results, so you may not see a return on investment right away.

To be successful in business, don’t you need to master the art of patiently carrying out a well-thought-out strategy? If your business is in it for the long haul, content marketing is the way to go.

The key to success will be maintaining a high standard consistently. (Here’s a hint: that’s vital to the success of all your various forms of advertising.) A company that consistently produces successful content is Salesforce. Because they invest so much time in generating articles and videos that teach you how to sell and advertise better, this customer relationship management tool is ubiquitous. People can tell when you’re only pretending to be an expert in your field just by how enthusiastic you are about what you do. Once they have faith in you, they will gladly pay for the superior service you offer. Most customers check out your content and various marketing platforms to determine if they can trust you. If you need help with your monthly content writing or distributing your current material, visit Engage Platform to see how their solutions can help you.

Optimisation for Search Engines

As the number of websites that employ search engine optimisation (SEO) grows, so does the need for its services. To rank highly in Google’s search results, even the best websites need to have content that the search engine finds appealing.

If a brilliant book was printed on loose-leaf college-ruled notebook paper and bound in a plastic binder, very few people would read it. Similarly, it doesn’t matter how brilliant the ideas are, a blog written in Comic Sans font with poor language won’t win over many readers. Boost your site’s technical performance and release content that hits all the right notes by doing the following:

  • Meta titles, descriptions, and keywords
  • Format Links
  • Make use of experts and tools to ensure that SEO is properly integrated into all of your other marketing efforts.

The E-mail Communication Channel

The predictions that electronic mail would soon become obsolete were undoubtedly wrong. The channel is still widely used for official business communication. In a similar vein, email marketing is still highly effective for providing value to your readership. Use it to update readers who are interested in your niche by sending your blog posts directly to their inboxes.

Using email marketing, you can target specific subsets of your audience with pitches for products that directly address their pain points, so moving them farther along the sales funnel. Remember that email is still frequently checked first thing in the morning, making it a highly effective marketing channel. When compared to other forms of advertising, email continues to perform exceptionally well.

Paid Advertisements

The success of our clients is a direct result of MIG’s emphasis on organic marketing strategies like content marketing rather than paid advertisements. However, if executed properly, pay-per-click advertising might yield positive results.

Pay-per-click advertising can be useful for quickly increasing brand recognition and converting that into purchases. Adopt PPC as one of several marketing strategies, but don’t count on instant results. Make sure your methodology and target demographic are both grounded in science.

Online Networks

For those of us who have been in the industry for a while, social media marketing may have seemed like a fad. However, these channels continually develop new, more intimate methods of communicating directly with your audience. Take advantage of social media to expand your network and promote your business. An efficient method increases exposure to your best content and maintains your brand in the minds of potential customers.


Sponsoring or hosting events is a beneficial investment because they help bring people together. You may begin with far less of a time investment by beginning with online events. Just as with your content, it’s important to provide your audience with what they want in terms of format and substance. Connecting with your audience and hearing their thoughts and concerns in real-time is a huge benefit of holding an event.

Even if you need a strong call to action at the end of your events, spend most of your time learning more about your attendees and what they’re interested in. Keep in mind that engaging activities are always preferable to monotonous lectures and unchanging slides. Due to the complexity of event promotion, it is often considered an advanced method. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of various forms of advertising, you can move on to events.

Mobile Marketing

Nowadays, mobile devices are used for nearly all online activities. Marketers would do well to keep in mind the growing importance of mobile devices (such as smartphones and tablets) among the target audience and design their sites accordingly. All of your promotional materials should have a design that adapts to different screen sizes. If you want people to read what you’ve written, break it up into bite-sized chunks that will appear excellent on mobile devices. Consider “Will this look good on a smartphone?” as you develop your marketing plan and roll out new channels.

Video Marketing

Incorporate video in any way you can across all of your marketing platforms. Videos can either stand on their own or be the finishing touch to your stellar advertising campaign. Make video a top focus, as its use is only expected to rise.